Animated Book Covers & Book Trailers

Harness the growing power of social media and tap into the power of animation! Stand out from the crowd with GIFs becoming a widely shared format, having a large stopping and sharing power. When scrolling through a myriad of still images, even simple animation can stand out. This can be particularly true within the publishing industry.

We have created full book trailers, up to over a minute in length, to looping ten second animated cover GIFs, as well as simple animated book covers.

Working with the artwork, we create stunning animated imagery for use of Social Media, optimised for each platform, be it Twitter, Facebook, Instagram or integrated into part of your website.

Always with the “brand” of the book in mind, we build on the existing story told within the cover imagery; and create something beautiful and intriguing, drawing an audience into wanting to know more.


Monsters of the Deep


Little Masters